Double Your Impact
I was tasked to design some tags for these bracelets, earrings, and potential necklaces made from the paper beads. There were many different narratives that went into these products, from the beads to the assembly to the donation of profits.
Carol explained to me that girls in Kenya are often considered too expensive to have in the family once they start menstruating and are then essentially sold to older men as young wives. To combat this, girls are given an opportunity to earn money through artisan crafts. One thing they can do is hand-roll paper beads, which are then sold to e3 Kids International. From there, local U.S. school groups volunteer to assemble the beads into bracelets. The bracelets are sold for $12, paying for roughly a fourth of a water filter (which provides 1,000,000 gallons of safe, clean water). All of this information wouldn’t fit comfortably on a couple inch square card, however, so some condensing was required.
These tags went through MANY different iterations, and I wanted to make sure they were just right.
The stand that holds the bracelets has a spot for a sign at the top, so what I did was alter the card design to provide more information